showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Indy 500  Atari;Sears (Atari)1977RACE CAR: Whether you compete against the clock or another player, your race car tackles the curves of some dangerous tracks.

During 1-player games, you race against the clock using your left controller to move the car. The top left number on the playfield is the number of laps; the top right number is the time keeper.

In 2-player games, players race against each other. The top two numbers represent the number of laps each player completes. The right score refers to the right-controller player; the left number shows the left-controller player's score.

You'll hear the engines when they accelerate, and the CRASH when your car crashes into the opponent's car or playfield boundaries.

Car races begin at the starting line. Then, get ready, get set...GO!***
[48]***[media=youtube]hXTeUCguG5Q[/media]***The original package contained this game and 2 Driving Controlers. Was also avaialable in the Racing Pak (#PRO811) package with only 1 Driving Controler, and the game Slot Racers.
Requires the Driving Controllers.
Night Driver Atari1980
[48]***Uses paddles controllers.
VCS conversion of the revolutionary arcade racer of the same name.